Well, that's a real can of worms. I won't pretend I've got all this figured out, but I'll respond here to the best of my ability.
White Supremacy is real, that's for sure. Rich people control the world, and White people have an enormous advantage in the game of getting (and staying) rich. Of course there are many extremely rich people who aren't White, but the systemic racism and inequality of individuals is impossible to miss. "White people run the world" is a much truer statement than "Jews run the world."
I personally think of the quality of being "White" as a social construct without much basis in genetics or history, As recently as my grandfather's youth, around the time of the World Wars, Jewish people (as well as Italians, Irish, Greeks, etc.) weren't included in that construct - they were not considered White. These days, for most purposes, that definition has been expanded to include Jewish people. You see something like this happening now with Asians and Latins - there's a real debate about whether they should be counted as White or as People of Color because of a perceived upwardly mobile status in business and universities. A lot of that seems to be class-based - the Republican Party may think of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio as White people, but immigrants trying to cross the border are Brown to them. The Saudi Royals might be White, but the Syrian refugees washing up on the shore of Italy are Brown.
At any rate, I basically agree with what you're saying here, but the topic seems too vast for me to cover it in this format. I try to keep the topics pretty simple on Medium.